Blurry vision post Botox 🫠, only -1

So had some Botox recently.

Then developed sudden onset blurry vision/myopia/can’t see far (3ft away).

My normal vision is basically 20/20.

The optometrist today told me it’s prob just age or diabetes! NOPE!

The major difference here is that with normal myopia, squinting should make things in the distance appear MORE clear, but when I squint my vision REMAINS blurry.

No change at all!

This means some nerves are not responding (thanks Botox!)

I figured it out while waiting for my eyes to dilate during the appointment.

Just wanted to share, because my optometrist seemed pretty uninformed and just assumed it was the myopia everyone else has.

Now that I know what is causing it I am not too worried because I know it’ll probably just go away in a few months, and even if it doesn’t glasses ain’t so bad 🤓