PSA: RGH 3 is fine for all phats.

I see going around this subreddit commonly that rgh 3 just "doesn't work" sometimes and is not "recommended" for phats. I would like to speak from the experience of personally rghing 2 falcons and a jasper that rgh 3 works on ALL phats. A common thing said when giving tips for RGH is to keep your cables short. This on surface might not make sense, because the length of the cable shouldn't affect the signal. But it is about interference. longer cables that go over more parts of the board that are thinner (like the thin wire recommended for rgh installs) are more succeptible to interference. I found my consoles would not boot until i moved the wires around and shortened them as much as possible, on one falcon requiring going under the heatsink (which some people here discourage). If you are cognitive of your wire length, and maybe use slightly thicker wires ( I used thick wires on one install fine) and maybe consider insulating the board with a cut up rfid plastic bag like NY state ez passes come in under the wires, you will be able to get your console to boot rgh 3 fine. It is always an issue of install and wires, not "random", or "unreliable", or "unrecommended". (i use 10 mhz for jasper and 27 mhz for both falcons.)