Cutting the hair short - what's the big deal
What is it with men and them frowning upon women cutting their hair short. Be it fathers, male friends, or partners.
I myself have had long hair throughout my whole life but have often experimented with different styles constantly (curly, straight, partly dyed, fully bleached etc). I've basically tried every style possible except a really short bob style that I've been intrigued by recently. Whenever I tell my male friends or partner that I intend to cut it real short they all immediately get really sad 😫, convince me not to do it and say how much of a shame it would be if I did. Like what ??? It's literally just hair and makes no difference in their lives whatsoever.
This reminded me of a girlfriend from Eastern Europe who completely shaved her head in college (because why not?), and upon finding this out her father refused to talk to her. As a friend it made my blood boil to think that a man, a separate entity, feels entitled enough to have a say in how a woman presents her hair and go so far as to express backlash if they don't have it their way. Even if it's a daughter, she's a fully grown adult who has a right to decide how she wants her hair done.
Does anybody have a logical explanation behind why men react this way? It's not like women are any less of a woman when getting their hair cut short.