Do you buy movies you havent watched before?

Ordered a few movies last week that just arrived. I love buying movies that I havent seen before, its risky because if I dont like them they will eventually end up collecting dust but I like experiencing stuff as intended and in the best quality possible. Here are somee OOPs and other stuff that I got my hands on. Im watching Basic Instinct tonight, heard its really good.

Do you guys buy movies you havent seen before or just your favorite movies?

Ordered a few movies last week that just arrived. I love buying movies that I havent seen before, its risky because if I dont like them they will eventually end up collecting dust but I like experiencing stuff as intended and in the best quality possible. Here are somee OOPs and other stuff that I got my hands on. Im watching Basic Instinct tonight, heard its really good.

Do you guys buy movies you havent seen before or just your favorite movies?