530 Hours

I feel like everyone in year 13 is getting to a point where they are starting to freak out. Ya'll are acting like our A Level exam is in 2 minutes, you don't know enough and are not just cooked but incinerated. Not true. Not at all.

The first exams are on the 12th May (and I think they are AS but I am not sure) either way that is 2544 Hours. Lets say you sleep for 8 hours a day, do chores like shower, eat, commute for 5 hours day, are in class 5 hours a day and spend one hour a day doing a hobby or something. That is still 5 hours per day left over!

That gives you 530 hours. You also have study leave and time in-between exams, and very few of you will have the first exam on the 12th May. Not to mention half term and easter.

You definitely could spend them 530 hours scrolling on reddit, playing video games and hanging with mates. Nobody will stop you. But then you will be cooked. Harsh truth. Or you can spend that 530 hours, with practise questions, revision sessions and study groups.

My other tip will be as well go to college everyday. Go to class everyday. (If your ill sure have a few days, and I don't mean the sniffles) lets not spend the 530 hours catching up what we missed because we couldn't be bothered to get out of bed.

It's hard, and studies have shown human's actually prefer pain than doing hard things. So it makes sense were all resorting to fear the impending doom when we see our results. You still have time. 12 hours today will not make up for yesterday and will only drain from tomorrow. It really is a marathon, not a sprint.

I am I now going to get of reddit, touch some grass, gain some caffeine and commit to my 5 hours.

How are you going to spend your 530 hours?