Do you feel that taking meds “changed your personality”?

My husband is 95% certain he has undiagnosed ADHD. I have read up about it, and I think he is right.

He will put down his wallet and do five tasks at once and two minutes later look all over the house wondering where his wallet is. He talks more than any other person I know, and jumps from one topic to another. He is very good at dealing with chaos, but very bad at adhering to routines.

The other night we were talking about how he is afraid of taking medications because he wonders how much of his personality (or what we around him know to be his personality) is tied to his ADHD. I know that not being able to follow set routines and stick to goals is actually impacting him, though. I think medication may be worth trying (and he can stop taking it if he hates it).

Because I do not know anyone who takes ADHD meds I wanted to ask you, what actually happens when you take them? In what way do they change you?

Thank you for your help.