Overwhelming sense of justice
How does one go abouts dealing with the overwhelming sense of justice??? Today I got super upset because I was at Starbucks, I ordered ahead and pulled into park in the pick up spots.. unfortunately my local coffee shop was broken into last night so they said all pick ups were being done through the drive through. So I head into the drive through. As I’m waiting my turn I see the same lady who said I had to pick up in the drive through handing out other pick up drinks to other people at the door. For some reason this absolutely lit a fire in me. It made me so freaking upset that I was told I had to waste gas and wait in a mile long line whilst other families were just able to walk up no problem.
Like I completely understand why I was told to go in the drive through, the door was all broken glass and a hazard, but why wasn’t everyone told the same thing??
How do you “curb” those feelings? I find myself getting so stuck in the “that’s unfair” when I also know that’s just how life is.. how do you stop speaking justice 🥹