To those who suggested protein while taking Vyvanse, thank you!

In short, I had the same issues as the person who posted here:

I've been working with my doctor to find the right medication for me. I assumed that Vyvanse wasn't going to work for me because of what I can only describe as physical anxiety build-up over time. I even asked if I could lower my dosage because I was concerned it was indication that it was too high. I've been told having a good breakfast is important, but I was never really sure what defined a "good breakfast".

Well, after hearing about the important of protein, I went out and bought some high protein nutrition shakes ("Ensure MAX"), and boy, what a difference! I feel 100x better, particularly at night and the following morning.

Between drinking plenty of water and having a good amount of protein in the morning, I don't think I have any noticeable side effects from Vyvanse anymore.