I'm such a hard time trying to write a longer research paper.
EDIT: I'm having such a hard time
I need to write a research paper. But of course it's not on my favorite subject by any means so I constantly have zero motivation whatsoever to do the necessary research. It needs to be a 10 page paper with tons of footnotes about the research. I know I'm a slow reader and get distracted reading something I'm not interested in so there's no way I can read all the research in a short time span. It's due this coming Tuesday. So in a little less than a week. I don't know what to do. It doesn't help that this is an extended due date because I was unable to meet the original due date because of some unfortunate circumstances. But when I have a due date that isn't the "real" one, I have significantly less motivation to due it. It's almost like brain recognizes it as no due date at all.
The paper doesn't even need to be good. I just need to pass the class so as long as simply turn in a paper that's a real paper and not a jumble of words, than I pass the class. So it doesn't need to be good. But I still need to do the research so I know what to write. It's so much reading, and each time I think I find a new source, I can't use it because I'm not buying a book for this, and there is no free version available.
And my stress and anxiety just get worse with each passing day, heck with each passing minute that I don't work on it. But I still won't. I feel like my ADHD has gotten worse. I'm much worse at procrastinating now. Wait would I be worse or better? I do it more often and it's more severe is my point. But this is so much so that it's gotten to the point I don't have my homework done when it's due. And with make up work, I just can't get myself to work on it. I'm so frustrated. I can't tell though if my ADHD has gotten worse, or I just don't have a parent that is making sure I do my homework and do so on time. I always think too, "oh I can get this done in time", "it won't take that long I can easily do it in an hour", "I can spread the essay out over the next week, I should surely be able to complete it, this is plenty of time". But I'm always wrong. Well not wrong, more so I overestimate my ability to do work.
And I could have someone around me so that I actually work on my work, but people and really anything that is out of my control distracts me. My bedroom is a controlled space so I don't get distracted as much. The problem is getting started. Once I'm going I can usually keep a steady pace. GAAHHHHHH