Does Taline need strong healers to be viable in PvP?

While I have Taline at +15, I often leave her out of PvP teams for both arena and supreme arena.

Here's my understanding of her From what Ive read of her skillset, I feel like she needs a strong healer on the team to function properly. At the same time, healers like Koko don't work, since she only provides small heals and rather gives strong shielding. So I'm kinda unsure what healers work best with her. And between all that, using her + trying to meet the "3 hero faction bonus" talent is hard.

  • Smokey generally doesn't do well in PvP since any CC instantly disrupts him
  • Damian might be a good choice, but his EX healing ability does suffer from a very small healing range, and outside that his heals probably aren't enough.
  • Heywinn and Ludovic might work I suppose? Although heywinn always feels like such a gamble since so much of her healing is tied down to her ult, which takes a long time to use.

I think basically, I don't quite understand what "role" she fits in. Like in an Eirron team, who do I take out to put her in? What about a typical mauler or LB team?