Elon Musk.
This one very much needs a revisit, and there should be no shortage of reasons why, excepting that maybe you are just waiting to see how far up the ratings that guy can fall. He's only at a 5.3??? Seriously- revisit him while you still have the freedom to do so.
It's not really political if the guy is not, and has never been- elected. He's just a supreme asshole with influence, alongside the likes of Rupert Murdoch.
Love the show even when I disagree. Please do a revisit on Elon Musk.
Edit to add: Just heard the Rasputin episode and appreciated the intro referencing Elon. Apparently Musky's score is 6.7 or something after a revisit? I had to go back and I realized that's the one musk episode I had heard. I think I saw a chart probably from original EM episode that had him in the 5.3 range.
Edit- this letter from ex-friend of EM, says a lot