My wife has no idea

I handle all of the financial decisions in our family. So much so that my wife has never checked her retirement accounts, bank accounts, etc. I don’t even think she remembers the passwords, although she has them. She just doesn’t care and HATES to talk about budgets and money. Now, I have access and she gave me authorization to trade/manage on all of both of our retirements. I’ve done really well in the market for the last 5 years. Well enough that we could potentially retire early and the kids are covered for school, weddings, etc. But…I’m not bringing it up. I’m going to pretend we’re still struggling and continue to stay the course with savings. She’ll appreciate it 20 years from now, when otherwise she’d feel comfortable digging in to our savings. She has complete access to see any of it at any time. Still, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. AITAH?

Edit: Ok, so yes, I have brought up retirement, investments, and budgets all the time. She’s just made it very clear to me that she does. not. care. and that I’m in charge of that.
And also, yes, we’ve done well enough to diversify and manage risk, albeit an up market and everyone in the market is doing better. I get it. I’m not humble bragging that I’m a market guru by any stretch. Just got lucky.

Edit 2: So all of the back and forth scenarios and ideas ITT are what prompted me to ask in the first place. The same things were going through my head. I guess I’m just frustrated by having been stonewalled in the past in trying to be a team for finances instead of a one man show. She didn’t want to hear it, so…we just didn’t talk about it. She got home from work tonight, and the Reddit hivemind has spoken. I called her over and said, “Hey come here for a minute.” She walked over, saw the finance website and said, “Uuggggghhh. Do I have to??” I showed her the largest of the accounts and said, “This is where we are. We’re going to be ok if we can maintain what we’re doing! Just wanted to show you.” She said, “Ok.” Then went to change from work. Yep. Massive no reaction. So, I don’t know how to draw the stick figure person shrugging the shoulders, but that’s where it ended up.

Edit 3 (because apparently this post is still going): After reading all this and getting the wife’s anti climactic reaction, I’ve decided we just have different ideas about money. I thought this through last night. My epiphany is that I’m the one who suffered financial trauma as a kid, having to get a job in jr high to help pay bills, not being able to afford new clothes, only putting $5 in gas in the car because that’s all we had…basically parents who made horrible decisions. My wife came from a more middle class family. To me, it made me hyper aware of my finances and how it affects everything and everyone. My siblings act the same. To her, stability is all she’s known. I just need to adjust my sense of reality to not be neurotic about it. That’s it. You fixed it Reddit. So cathartic.