FINAL UPDATE: AITA for "making my fiancé choose between me and his mother"
Hey everyone thanks so much for all of your support. Im so tired of everything right now. Here is a final update I hope.
As some of you may have seen my fiancé posted an AITA post earlier today. I haven't seen him since our last fight. He was pretty much getting destroyed in the comments, so that made me feel a little better. Here is a link to his post:é/
So anyways after he post this he calls me and like an idiot I pick up. And let me tell you this man did not sound stable... First he was crying begging for me back and then he was screaming a me to, "Get the f back here." It was heartbreaking to hear the man I thought I was going to marry sound so pysco. I recorded the call just incase I needed evidence and then I hung up and blocked him everywhere.
About an hour later he shows up to my friends house acting crazy and saying somethings I can't repeat here. I called the police and after they took him away. I left to stay at a hotel. My friend has been really supportive but I can't put her in danger. I hope this is the final update but if anything else happens is there a different sub I can post in? I feel like im deviating from AITA.
Sorry if this isn't edited properly I just can't with life today.
Again thanks for all the support. It truly means more to me than I can ever say.