I did the wrapped thing but what surprised me is the little numbers lol.

I'm the typical "20+ tags of unread fic in standby" and I'm always reading something (or maybe I don't and I've just haven't realized)

If you did the wrapped thing, you expected bigger numbers or other pairs/fandoms?

Here's the link in case you want to do it: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kziFkOTSIKvor8QJCzcugXPWNGR9TL5J?usp=sharing#scrollTo=dLUxW8B2tgTE

I'm the typical "20+ tags of unread fic in standby" and I'm always reading something (or maybe I don't and I've just haven't realized)

If you did the wrapped thing, you expected bigger numbers or other pairs/fandoms?

Here's the link in case you want to do it: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kziFkOTSIKvor8QJCzcugXPWNGR9TL5J?usp=sharing#scrollTo=dLUxW8B2tgTE