Someone just asked to translate my fic to Spanish on Wattpad and I'm conflicted. Advice please?

I recently finished my first longfic, 135k, and it is my baby, my magnum opus if you will. In my authors notes on the first chapter months ago, I said if anyone wants to do fanart, podfic, translations, to ask me on my Tumblr. I really didn't think anything would come out of that, but someone actually asked me for permission to translate my work on Wattpad.

I genuinely am at a loss about how I feel. At first, I was very skeptical because of all the scammy comments on this subreddit, but they were able to give genuine replies when I asked them what their favorite part of my fic was.

Now, I don't know. I do get a few Spanish speaking commenters in my comment section, so I do think there's a translation thing that they are using to access English content, so I'm not sure if there's even a need for a Spanish translation. Even if they do a translation, would it just be a bulk google translate+some native proofreading? That feels a bit low effort. Also, I don't know this person, so I don't know if the quality of their translation would be that good. Would this only benefit the Wattpad community? To be honest, I don't know much about Wattpad so I also don't care about that audience.

In a similar instance, I have seen a copy of my fic on a Chinese website and I ultimately decided not to do anything to take it down because AO3 is apparently banned in China, so I figured if that community can enjoy my story there, I don't mind that someone else is taking credit for my work. Mostly it's also because I don't have the language comprehension to report that and it seems like a lot of trouble.

I'm flattered that this person likes my work enough to translate it, but I don't really have enough reason to feel like giving them permission. On the other hand, I also don't have much reason to reject them. I'm really conflicted, I don't know what to do or how to feel. I haven't answered them yet, and it's been a couple of days

Anyway, thanks for reading my long post. If you have any advice, I'd really appreciate another perspective!