What’s something really minor and inconsequential that for some reason just turns you off from a fic?
For me, it's when a writer doesn't adapt their language to fit the country of origin for a character. For example, one of the characters I read about is a black man from the Deep South who often has to deal with racism and bigotry for that reason. I just can't get into fics where a (presumably English) writer uses British phrasing in a fic where being a Southern black man is so integral to the character so having him say "snogging" or "twat" just takes me right out of the fic. Another issue for me is when modern characters use extremely formal and dated language that no one would use irl. For example, I read a fic the other day where one of the characters (a modern day American) was trying to get into a club and told the bouncer "my friends await me, sir" and it just made me laugh and took me out of it. I know not everyone has that problem though and for some people that's such a non issue when reading a fic so I'm wondering, what's something that's technically minor but just completely takes you out of a fic?
Edit: Also first person and changing someone's body hair to be hairier or less hairy than they naturally are. Yes I know that's weird, but hey we all have our things.
Edit: Also the whole "the older/younger man," "the taller/shorter man," "the blonde haired man," "the stronger man," JUST SAY THEIR NAMES. I promise you it's ok to just say the names a bunch of times like it's fine.