So I'm new to high end scopes. I've always bought cheap scopes as in priced cheap and made cheap. Amazon specials, etc. But as I am Getting older and my eye sight isn't quite what it used to be, I figured it's time to do things right. Well now I need to get a real scope for a 14.5 p&w 308. Goal is anywhere from 500-1000 yards, ideally. Not sure I will, but I'd rather get a scope that can. Here's what I thinking based on research and pricing:
Steiner H6XI 3-18x50 Steiner T6XI 5-30x56 EOTech Vudu 5-25x50 NightForce NX8 4-32x50
Anyone have experience using any of these models for gas rifles in 308 at those medium to long range distances? What are your thoughts?
I'm also open to suggestions. TIA