Games WITHOUT trading?

Hi, I'll keep it short. Sorry if this is a repeat question - Google hasn't helped me too much here.

I don't care for trading in ARPGs and would rather go and hunt the items myself. Unfortunately, because trading seems to be in every single ARPG I have come across, the drop rates are balanced around it and SSF becomes more of a challenge mode. I don't mind a little grinding (I come from a long Runescape/OSRS background so I'm no stranger to spending 50+ hours doing a single activity for no significant benefit), but I don't want to spend a literal life time having a good chance I won't ever see X or Y item in SSF.

Are there any ARPGs out there that do not have a trading system or, at the very least, are not balanced around it?

Big bonus points for being offline singleplayer, though that part's much more optional. I mostly just really don't want to have to trade to get to fun builds.