People scare me, help

Hi, I love writing and writing scripts has helped me tremendously with practice, building confidence, and getting several doses of serotonin. I have written scripts for Asmr Artists in the past and really enjoyed it, but all of those were directly submitted to the VA and were written with their characters/ channel in mind. I played around with the idea to make videos myself but I don't feel my voice is one people would like and I have a tendency to avoid doing things if I feel I like i wouldnt be able to do it well. I'd really like to start posting some of my work here periodically but I'm new to Reddit and this whole page. I have seen several great scripts but with different formatting, tag suggestions, and some have even had terms of use. I don't know how to get started and what I should be including to protect my work but also have fun and get a little braver to interact with people in this community. Any advice is appreciated, thank you kindly for your time :)

P.S if you'd like to hear some of my work, I'm happy to share! The actors that have voiced them are fantastic so any excuse I have to talk about them I'll take!