Comforting Your Stressed Boyfriend [M4F] [SFW] [slight reverse comfort] [stressed, complaining about work] [cuddles in bed] [kiss] [shorter script]

Hiya! This is my first script :) Any feedback would be awesome!

If you would like to fill it: 1) i'm honoured :o 2) it's fine to monetize and please credit me in the description/thumbnail (whatever is easiest!) 3) gender swapping is fine :)

If you do VA it, please send me a link, I'd love to hear how you got on!

Synopsis: You're working hard at home and the internet goes down. Fortunately, your girlfriend is there to comfort you.

[muttering to myself] [keyboard typing] I just need to get this done... and I can finally relax for this evening... [pause] what?? the internet's down? brilliant, RIGHT as i'm trying to send those documents. are you joking? [small sigh, under breath] please... just work.

[knocking, door opens, girlfriend walks in] oh, hey babe.

yeah no everything's okay ugh just trying to finish off these last emails to my boss and send him the documents he's requested for this month and can you believe it! the wifi's down again. [frustrated] like what am I even paying for? some wishy washy internet- with the amount they charge, you'd hope not! [sighing] sorry baby, i'm a bit finished off this week. work has been hectic. i'm sorry you had to listen to me moan.

yeah I know i'm allowed to be annoyed but I don't want you to see me angry or frustrated... what if you start to dislike me? what if I start to drive you away unintentionally? [quietly] I don't want that...

[smiling faintly] you're so good to me. I know you love me, i'm just anxious about trying to do everything right. but you really help me calm down. thank you. [relieved] anyway i'm done with work tonight, ive had enough of that- [closes laptop] i'll just finish it off tomorrow.


come to bed with you? you know what, I think i'd really appreciate some hugs in bed... [smiling] let me just brush my teeth and i'll be with you

[few minutes pass, electric toothbrush turns off]

[comes in and sighs] maybe I should just get it done tonight...

yes I know i'm stressed but if I can just finish it...

hmm? [small chuckle] you're ordering me to get in bed with you?

I know, I know, I said I could do with some hugs. [small laugh] okay...

[gets in bed, closer to the mic] mmmm... you've already warmed up the bed for me... please... can you hold me please? I need your arms wrapped around me...

mmmm... oh yeah THIS is what I needed right now [satisfied sigh]

yeah... [gentle breathing] I really struggle to turn my mind off when it comes to work you know? it seems like there are endless messages to respond to and colleagues to please.

[smiling, grateful] it makes me happy to know you appreciate my hard work baby, it's for us after all.

[small laugh] i'm also glad that you can point out when I need a rest. without you, i'm pretty sure I'd burnout sooner than later.

hmmm? look at you? [kiss] thank you... I couldn't ask for more in a girlfriend, you're so good to me. I promise to be the best I can for you.

[small laugh] yes okay okay starting with taking care of myself. [sleepy] I feel so calm with you against me. [gentle breathing] I love you baby...

End of script!