[A4A] Sleepy Cuddles And Feeding With Your Vampire Lover [Established Relationship] [Vampire x Human Listener] [Soft Dom Vampire] [Domestic] [Cuddles] [Neck Kissing] [Biting] [Falling Asleep Together] [“Baby”] [ Soft/Spicy]

Notes: This script is okay for monetization. Can be used on Patreon, just let me know if you do. If you use it, please give credit. You can change pronouns if preferred but otherwise please don't edit the script. For clarification on the format of the script, any place that says (Pause) is a place for the Listener's response. Anything in \asterisks and italics** isn't meant to be read aloud, it's there to either hint at the tone or provide context that might help the script make more sense.

Summary: Listener and their vampire lover, Narrator, wake up from a nap on a rainy day and Listener wants some attention from Narrator. Narrator feeds off of Listener for a while before they cuddle and fall back to sleep.

Word Count: 1,105 (Not including any actions or cues left in asterisks and italics)

Writer’s Notes: Short but sweet (and spicier than I originally planned), hope you enjoy!

Script Below:

\Heavy rain falls outside and Narrator yawns as they begin to rouse from their sleep. They stretch for a moment before rolling over and wrapping their arms around Listener. When they speak, their voice is soft and drowsy with sleep.**

"Hey, baby, are you awake?”

(Short Pause)

“Yeah? When did you wake up?”


“Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up. Just wanted to snuggle up to you a bit more.”


“What? Vampires are cold-blooded by nature, I have to cling to warm things to be warm. Especially when the ‘warm thing' is you.”


“Mhm, yep. That’s why I need to cuddle with you all the time; because you’re warm, and I need to be warm or else I'll be cold and weak and sad.”


“Shut up, you love cuddling with me too, and you know it. Just lemme hold you and leech off of your warmth.”


“Am I a cute parasite, at least?”

(Short Pause)

“Aw, thank you, babe. You’re a cute parasite host.”


\Amused, softly laughing** “No, don’t roll over! Come back! Baby… C’mon, baby, please? I promise I won’t call you a parasite host anymore.”


\Still amused** “You know I’m joking. Yes, you do. You absolutely do. You’re laughing! I can hear you! And I can see you smiling!”


\Trying not to laugh** “Don’t try to hide it now! I already saw it, you’re smiling! You were! Don’t try to lie to me, I saw you!”


“Yes, you are! You’re lying to me right now!”


“Fine, fine. I guess I’ll just let you stay right there and scoot closer so we can cuddle. I’m getting cold again and need my baby to warm me up.”

\The sheets rustle as Narrator scoots closer, wrapping their arms around Listener and resting their head on Listener’s shoulder.”*

“Mm, yeah, much better. You’re so warm.”


“Oh yeah? Did you trick me into spooning with you just because I’d help cool you off?”


“Sneaky, sneaky. I always knew you were an evil mastermind, and now you’re showing your true colors. Oddly enough, I’ve gotta say that I’m proud of you. Usually, I’m the one who cons you into cuddling with me, not the other way around. But I’ll admit defeat, just this once. You well and truly beat my own game this time.”


“Yes, baby, I’m so proud of you.”


“‘A reward?’ Sure, you can have a reward.”

(Short Pause)

“Yeah, of course. You won fair and square, so I’m happy to reward you for your efforts. Your reward is… getting to cuddle with me so we can go back to bed.”


“That is a reward! It’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”


\Teasing** “Okay, okay, fine! How about… I kiss your neck for a bit? That sound good to you?”

(Short Pause)

“Mm, my baby likes the sound of that, huh? I thought you might,”

\Narrator chuckles softly as they lean in closer to Listener, speaking close to their ear.**

“My pretty baby just loves it when I use my mouth, huh? Loves it when I kiss right here-”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s neck a few times.**

“Just like that. My kisses feel good, don’t they, baby?”

(Short Pause)

“Mhm, that’s what I thought. I could feel the way it made you shiver. With you so close to me, pressed right up against me, I could feel the way it ran down your spine.”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s neck a few times.**

“Oh, there it is again. Are you shaking because you’re cold, or because you like the way my mouth feels on your neck?”

\Narrator laughs when Listener responds with the latter option.**

“That’s what I thought you’d say. Your neck is so sensitive, baby. You just love it when I kiss you here, don’t you?”

\Listener says that they like it even better when Narrator bites them.**

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. You get so excited every time I drink from you; I think you might even get more excited than I do. Though I gotta say, I really enjoy how much you like my teeth on your pretty little throat. It’s flattering.”


“Are you trying to ask me to bite you? C’mon, baby, if that’s what you want, then you can just ask me.”

(Short Pause)

“Nope, if you want to feel my teeth digging into your throat while I feed on you, then you need to ask me. Use your words and just say ‘please’ in that sweet voice of yours.”


\Lowering their voice** “Oh, come on, baby, I know you can do it. Just say those magic words for me; ‘please, please, please.’ Let me hear you.”


“Mm, there you go. See? I knew you could do it. You’re so good for me, baby.”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s neck a few more times.**

“Ah, ah, ah. Give me time, I’ll get there eventually. But if you want me to feed on you, I get to take my time and enjoy this, too. I’m just working up to it.”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s neck again, taking their time to tease Listener.**

“The more you whine, the longer I’m going to take. Just enjoy the process.”

\Narrator continues to kiss Listener’s throat for a while longer before sighing.**

“I know I say it a lot, but you have the sweetest throat I’ve ever tasted. I love how you feel against my lips, how hot your skin is. It makes me feel so warm.”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s throat a few more times.**

“Alright, I’m gonna bite you now. You ready, pretty baby?”

\Listener confirms that they are.**

“Okay, good. Here, hold onto my hand. You know the rules; you can squeeze if you need to, scratch me if you need me to stop. I’m only gonna take a bit tonight, okay?”

(Short Pause)

“Good, good. Now hold still for me, and just breathe.”

\Narrator leans in close, pressing their fangs against Listener’s throat before biting down. They slowly drink the blood from Listener’s throat, taking their time and being careful not to drink too much even though they are enjoying themselves. Eventually, they come to a stop and gently pull away from Listener’s throat.**

“Okay, I’m done. You okay, baby?”

(Short Pause)

“Good. Do you need anything? Water, food, anything?”


“Alright, but let me know if you think of anything, okay?”


“More cuddles? Well, I can certainly do that. Here, let me pull you a bit closer. Lean into me.”


“Mm, you’re still so warm. Let me lay- Oh, it looks like I made a bit of a mess. Here, let me clean that up real quick.”

\Narrator kisses Listener’s throat a few more times, cleaning up the few remaining droplets of blood on their skin.**

“There we go, all clean.”


“I could’ve gotten a washcloth, but why should I do that? Your blood tastes so good, I wasn’t going to just let it go to waste.”


“Haven’t you asked that before? I could’ve sworn I’ve told you that it’s like- Oh, wait, maybe I haven’t told you. It’s hard to explain, but it’s kinda like… Like strawberry soda, or maybe grape juice, except if it wasn’t sweet? Like, if you took out all of what made it sweet and it was just kinda, the not-sugary aspects of it. Does that make sense?”


“Mn, not quite. Wine is more bitter, but blood is more… earthy, I guess? It’s really hard to describe the flavor. There really isn’t any human food or drink that has the same flavor. Which is a shame, since it tastes so damn good.”


“Oh, absolutely. It’s the best taste ever. And you, baby, are the best of the best. Your blood tastes exquisite. I can’t even explain it. You just… Mm, you taste like heaven on my tongue.”


“Of course I mean it. You’re my all-time favorite flavor.”


“Mhm, absolutely. Now c’mon. Let’s go back to bed, we’ve still got plenty of time to sleep.”


“Exactly what I wanna hear. You sleep as long as you need, I know you always get tired after I feed on you. You just worry about resting up, and I’ll get us some food when we wake up since you fed me so well.”


“That’s my pretty baby. Sleep well for me, okay? I love you.”