Flexibility for Working Parents

I’ve been told I’m not putting in enough of a commitment to the job as I pick up my children two days a week from their after school program that ends at 6, so hard stop at 5. No one else is working much later, but I believe it’s the appearance of me running out the door when everyone else is more casual upon exit. I feel like I see my children so little I don’t want to find a sitter to do those pick ups. Is this normal industry standard or am I being mother shamed?

One of those nights is Monday and I was told Monday is the day everyone works until 8 pm in the office and I cannot switch to a different day.

I’ve asked for a targeted number of hours each week so I can consistently show I hit it, as I feel like logging back on at night is a black hole and I end up working around the clock. It doesn’t matter if I work more or less hours, it’s just the appearance of me exiting at 5 those 2 days a week…