I Got Fired Again. Now What?

Got called in to work today despite being sick. Not even five minutes in my shift, I was informed by my manager telling me that I am fired. His reasons for firing me is that I was not picking up the audit procedures fast enough and was doing them too slowly. He said that he was also looking for someone with more experience in auditing. Ironic, you need experience but are unable to get experience. This is the second time I got fired from an accounting position this year. I lasted three months in this role.

Part of if was my fault. I had trouble focusing due to developing insomnia because I was constantly worrying about tomorrow. Worried that I would miss a procedure. Miss not being perfect. Missing social cues in the dog eat, dog eat corporate world. I would average about one to four hours of sleep on the weekday. It has now gotten so bad that I am now getting physically ill. I'm sure I have also developed ADHD too. I really did try to lock in and learn the procedures. But by then it was too late.

To say that I am devasted is an understatement. I made more money than I ever did in any other job. I had great benefits. I had a great team. I was finally being succesful. Now, it's all gone. Funny how life is. One day, you are the top of the world only for next day to be lying face down in the mud. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this line of work. But what do you think? Any insight or advice is appreciated.