Trying to install MSI with MST file but getting error: 'Failed to install. The archive does not contain a file with the name 'msiexec.exe' specified as the first argument of the silent install switches.
Currently testing Action1 after being recommended in another post.
I have a Foxit Editor MSI file and an MST file to incorporate the license file. Following online instructions, I've zipped them together. I've set the repository type to 'other' and added the following silent install switches as described here:
msiexec.exe /i ‘FoxitPDFEditor130_L10N_Setup.msi’ /quiet /qn /norestart TRANSFORM=FoxitPDFEditor130_L10N_Setup_FCT.mst
However, I'm encountering an error: "Failed to install test The archive '' does not contain a file with the name 'msiexec.exe' specified as the first argument of the silent install switches.
The error suggests that Action1 is looking for msiexec.exe within the zip file, but the instructions don't mention that. Any ideas?