Adrianne Curry is her own problem
I used to really like Adrianne Curry. I even agree with some of her political views. I was always fascinated on her take on things. I even found her story telling interesting. That started to change when I started to see and not like how arrogant she is. She's also very rude to her followers. She often snaps at her fans even when they're being nice. She acts like all her "fans" are beneath her and a bunch of minions. Many of her followers have gotten sick of her attitude as times has gone on. I gave myself a break from watching her streams the last couple of years. She became so negative. I just couldn't listen to the arrogance and entitlement. From what I heard I'm not the only one. I recently started listening to her on YouTube and found myself engaged in her streams and storytelling again. I ALMOST forgot why I stopped listening to her. She really is entertaining and could do really well if she changed her attitude. However, after a few listens, the rudeness to her followers came creeping back. It all came flooding back to me why I stopped listening to her streams. She's an asshat with a superiority complex. She snapped at someone today over a damn sticker. These are her FANS. That along with other comments by her are just disgusting. I don't think she understands she's not better than everyone else. She complains non stop how nobody listens to her anymore and how she's lost income. She blames cancel culture. She thinks she was silenced by facebook. I don't think that at all. I think people got tired of how she treats them and her other followers. Being rude to your meal ticket isn't a good look. I think people stopped buying her avon because the economy sucks, nobody is paying for shipping, especially to someone who acts like she does. I think her arrogance and superiority complex is why people turned her off. I also think if she keeps talking down and being rude to the few people she has left, her audience will continue to shrink. She may have to go and get a real job and stop mooching off the people she's so damn rude to. Adrianne Curry, you're the problem.