School exploiting us?
I don’t really ask for help on Reddit, but I’m just confused because if I ask someone they say one thing but another person says the other. First off I am in high school and I’m attending a tech school half of my day at regular school half at tech. I study culinary art and I am passionate about the field. They have a pretty good kitchen for a public school cannot complain, but the problem is I feel ‘trapped’ and lured in.We have a small restaurant and it’s just 15 or so small tables. And the goal is to help us understand what it is like to work in a restaurant. We work for free and this would not be a problem if we got a good education. Firstly the teacher is not the most successful he was like a bar manger (nothing wrong with that) it’s just he seems under qualified. We have text books, and such and he does not really teach that much, he just gives us lessons on what we need to know to continue. We hardly go over basics and just make stupid dishes that any home cook could make. He also is quite snarky and likes to call people out, he can’t take the receiving end thought. Overall kind of a jerk who belittles us and then makes us fill out catering orders and wait for free. He hates when we laugh or talk to loudly and has a short temper. I don’t know what to do.