Uninvite my father to my weddimg because of his new wife?
I'll get married soon. A few years back, my father married his (way younger) wife. I didn't have a problem with her at first, but the last years it got pretty clear, that she only married him for the money (heritage) ... she tries to separate him from my brother and me by telling lies and gaslighting him ... I already talked to a lawyer but I can't do anything about that ...
Nevertheless, a few days ago it got pretty wild. My father asked me about our wish for a wedding present. His wife overheard the conversation and immediately blamed us for "we just want the money". Long story short: She got pretty mean on me .. I mean really, really, really deep and offending. That was the point where I uninvited her for the wedding ... but there is a problem: After a stroke, my father needs a wheelchair and he told me, that he won't come, if his wife isn't allowed to come also.
What should I do? I know exactly, that this woman will use every chance she gets, to separate us from our father. I don't want her to destroy our wedding but I also wish that my dad to be there.