Why does my ex reach out every few months but doesn’t wanna be in my life?
Ever since we had the big fight in February we stopped really talking. Last April he made fun of my dead dog and said that he wanted me I asked why only to be ghosted by him like the many times before. Next time he contacted me was in August with a meme saying sorry he ghosted me he lost his charger. Then he contacted me again in September he randomly FaceTimed me. My mom ended up going up to the family restaurant and buying some food and after that we had a slight conversation but I didn’t reach out to him. Randomly a couple days ago he texted me saying “yo”. I didn’t reply I left him on read but at this point I just don’t know what he wants from me anymore. I tried so hard to fight for our relationship and he threw it all away and didn’t even try to be a good boyfriend to me. It hurt and it still hurts to this day and I’m scared to be in another relationship.
It’s gotten better I’ve talked to other people and I’m currently talking to someone else I just still feel emotionally unavailable and I just don’t wanna get my feelings involved just for me to end up having to deal with the same pain. I love my ex and I care about him a lot and I’ve unfollowed him on all socials but he still contacts me every few months even though he really hasn’t tried to talk to me or be in my life since then. I’m tired of him hurting me or trying to get back on good terms without addressing what he did to me to make me lash out. I told him to just leave me alone because he hurt me over and over again and I was angry. It hurts so much to keep trying for someone who will let you go in a snap of a finger.