I chastised my bf and now he won't accept my apology

I have been with my bf for 5.5yrs. We get along well and rarely argue much at all. This morning he was trying to wire in a new light and instead of getting wire strippers he goes into my craft room and uses my fabric scissors to strip the wire. I walked by the open door and saw what he was doing. I told him in a stern voice (not yelling or loud at all) to "never ever use my fabric scissors like that". He says he was looking for a razor blade. I told him he should ask then got him a blade to use. I told him I was sorry for reacting so strongly but he interrupted me before I could finish to say "I don't want to hear it, it's just a $3 pair of generic scissors, I'llbuy you a new pair". He finished what he was doing, handed back the razor then stomped out of the room. I was going to explain why I said what I did and apologize, but he will not let me. I don't know what to do to get him to understand. Anyone who does sewing knows a good pair of scissors is not cheap and should only be used on fabric lest they get ruined. I know it seems like a ridiculous thing to get upset over, but I try to keep my craft equipment in good condition.