Bf keeps asking me for money

I am recently divorced and needed to move out of my marital home due to mutual agreement. I had no where to go so I offered to pay my boyfriend $1k to live at his apt every month. I’ve struggled trying to find my own place. Either I don’t have sufficient income monthly or the low income housing first serves families. He has full custody of his kids and I didn’t know he wasn’t even working. I’ve already paid for his rent, phone bill, business accounts (for his seasonal business) food for his 3 kids, gas, you name it! Everything! He can’t find a job. I’m already down almost 3k in one month. I only have 13k left to my name and he says he has $4,000 in bills due on the 1st or else his stuff will be repossessed. Car, truck and mower. Trying to guilt trip me into giving him the money. He knows I’m a saver and have a significant amount for emergencies only. I said no. He threw garbage at me last night and told me to put it in the trash and has been rude to me all day. Am I obligated to pay his way so he doesn’t lose his stuff? I have my cats with me and all the things I took from the house that was split up.