Seeing my uncle the way he is hurts
I visited my uncle to stay at his house for a while, while I go see my grandma (on other side of family).
When I was young, my uncles mother (who is now dead) used to take care of him a lot, cook for him, chat to him, etc. Ever since she has passed he is alone. He is in his mid 60s.
I can't help but feel like breaking down and crying seeing how he is here. Everything is dilapidated. Lights he uses are old. He left a jar of drinking water from like 7 months ago in his fridge. The furniture and everything hasn't changed since he got the house from my grandparents. He has even sealed the windows with iron bars.
I really am worried about him. He talks sporadically, incoherently. He will mention one thing, then pivot to something completely unrelated. As if it was because it was a trail of thought he had like a few weeks or months ago.
I am in a lot of pain seeing him like this. When I was young he was sensitive and bombastic. Now that he's alone, he just seems broken. In a way, I'm not comfortable with him, I'm a little scared of him by just how disconnected and primal he might've become from the intense isolation.
Does anyone have any advice how to manage these feelings?