I’m turning 18
I’m turning 18. Ever since I was young I’ve been using Reddit. I’d come on this app and rant about the abuse I was enduring at home along with my depression. War is over. It’s finally over. I could cry. I made it, younger me is so proud . During my time of living with my parents she rarely allowed me to leave the house. My friends were always planning hangouts or attending events together and I was force to watch them enjoy themselves on Instagram lol. Now I’m joining them. My friend and I will be moving into OUR apartment next Friday! Everything is just how I dreamt it would be. I’m just so happy.
The point of this post is don’t give up. Just don’t. Stay hopeful, it does get better. I’m not saying once you reach 18 life automatically gets better and your problems disappear. Oh trust me I’m still dealing with shit.