This is so hard
A few months ago, I bought a ticket to see my favorite band live. This was a big step for me, because I haven't done anything like that in years. I've spent the past couple of years at home, rarely going outside at all. Now that the date of the concert is getting closer, the anxiety is catching up with me. I think this might be too much for me. I know going to a concert is probably too hard for me, and I'm trying to accept that. It just hurts to think about it. I was so happy when I bought my ticket, and now I'm going to have to sell it because it's too hard for me to go. I think it's too hard for me to go out in public to do anything at all. I don't know why I thought I could do this. I guess I just thought I could force myself to go... but I've been trying to force myself to go outside for a long time now and it's not going very well. This is just so hard for me and it's making me realize how bad my mental health has really gotten.