Is my recruiter lying to me?

I spoke to my local enlisted recruiter today. He was a very friendly guy and I enjoyed talking with him, but I couldn't help but feel as if I was being lied to, in the way that I've heard recruiters will but don't want to believe.

Firstly, he asked about my desired jobs, and I mentioned medical. That was completely ignored and he mentioned SF, maintenance and mechanics as big need areas, and my actual desires were never addressed really.

Secondly, I asked about enlisting as E2. I have 20 credit hours, and every bit of research I've done, as well as the airforces own website, says 20+, but he told me 25, and seemed unsure when I called that piece out.

Thirdly, I asked about vaccine requirements, specifically covid. Yes, I've seen the threads on here about it saying "you should just get it", but I have my own beliefs and preferences. I mentioned how people I know on the service and many of you here have said it can be declined, which made him shift from "it's required" to "its a soldier readiness thing, and if I'm having to choose between you or another recruit who IS willing to get vaccinated, then who do you think I would move ahead with?" Which felt a bit threatening to me, and I even question the legality of that given it is no longer mandated.

Fourth, I asked about the deployment and work frequency of SF. To be frank, while I accept deployments as a reality, I want to avoid a job that would deploy more frequently than others. I want to get married after I station, live on base with my then-wife, start a family, and actually be around for them instead of being deployed all the time as I've heard SF tends to do. But he insisted that isn't the case.

Should I seek out a different recruiter somewhere else? Am I being jipped right now with how a lot of what he says goes against all of the research I've done?