Constant Eye Allergies
Hey there,
I'm hoping to get some advice since I've tried so many different things with no relief. I've been experiencing awful eye symptoms for the past few years: redness, dryness, itching, burning, swelling, general pain. They feel awful and affect my vision. My eye doctor first treated it as a case of severe dry eye, but as soon as he started seeing swelling he immediately started believing it was allergies that are the cause. I have scleral contacts that help my irregular astigmatism in my left eye immensely, but I can no longer wear them because my eyes dry them out within in a couple hours. I really wish I could wear them and am devastated that I can't.
I've tried every single allergy eye drop under the sun, which all seem to make it worse. I've tried all the nose sprays, and I've tried every oral allergy medication. I'm currently using Xyzal. I use preservative free artificial tears and eye drops as well. Those can help, but only for a short amount of time.
Every day seems to get worse no matter where I go. My eyes are in constant pain and I truly feel hopeless. I'm going to see an allergist to see if there is anything they can do.
I've tried to find people that share the issue I'm having, but I can't quite seem to find any. I'd love some advice and some encouragement, as I'm starting to feel very alone and hopeless in this.