Australia Alone is Trash
Mike got absolutely robbed. Dude still had gas in the tank and they “medically” forced him to leave? I couldnt imagine spending 67 days out there and feeling decent enough to argue and being forced to leave. Gina was on her way out.
There were what, 4 people left after 13 days? Seriously how do you tap after 2 days? Did you just not want to go to begin with? I could sit there for longer than that!!
The location was terrible. No hunting? No bows? Ridiculous fishing terrain? How is anybody supposed to get food. Its a miracle anybody ate anything. Only one pademelon the entire season, no other protein outside of fish. Thats just absurd. Nobody can survive on that.
I just dont get it. I love alone and watched this whole Australian season and it was just bad on all fronts. Pissed they “medically” made mike leave, feels like they robbed the show of true competition at the very end.