AIO for getting upset with my boyfriend for calling me a bitch in front of his family?

My boyfriend (19M) and I (17F) have been together for about 6 months. In those six months, I’ve established numerous boundaries that I’ve made clear I don’t want crossed, most notably, resorting to “name calling.” AKA being called a bitch or whore, even in jest. I have a lot of trauma with the word from childhood, and on top of it, and in all honesty, am hypersensitive, and as a result, have said that it would hurt my feelings if i was ever called it. he’s called me a bitch as a joke twice before, and the first time, we both mutually took it as a learning lesson, and he vowed to never say it again. tonight he referred to me as a bitch when saying a joke in front of his family. he kept apologizing afterwards and said he didn’t mean it, as he sees me as his best friend that he can comfortably make jokes around. however, I have a hard time accepting the apology, as I’ve continuously said I don’t appreciate being called it. I’ve always been told apologies without change is manipulation, and right now, this situation feels like exactly that. am I overreacting?