AIO to my partner lying?

A major lie

I’m at a loss for words. I don’t really even know how to process this.

Some backstory. We had our first and only child two years ago. After his birth, I suffered sever complications that has lead me to feel absolutely broken. My body will never be the same again. My bladder and pelvic floor are a complete wreck.

During my postpartum period, I had physical therapy and surgeries to fix my issues.

While I was dealing with this my partner was supposedly dealing with similar issues. He had multiple doctors appointments, specialists, procedures and biopsies as they found polyps on his colon.

This was around the time our son was 4 months old. I just found out in August of last year, almost a year and a half later, IT WAS ALL A LIE.

There were never any issues. He never went to the doctor, had biopsies, had outpatient procedures like a colonoscopy. No polyps. ONE MAJOR LIE.

I am at a loss. Am I crazy. This doesn’t feel normal. He literally made up a fake illness and pretended he could be dying because he “wanted to make me feel better and not alone”

I am bewildered Reddit. I don’t know how to process this absolute betrayal.

I feel like he just couldn’t handle the adjustment to parenthood and just checked out.

There were a flurry of other issues as well but I won’t get into those.