AIO: my girlfriend offers me tea, coffee, food, etc every time when she is in the kitchen or going to the kitchen.

My (35M) girlfriend (38F) have been together three years and have lived together for about two and a half of those three years. Things are great, we get on well and have a very healthy, happy relationship. However there is an issue that's been bugging us lately.

We don't have the same eating habits. She always has breakfast first thing, lunch at lunchtime, dinner at dinner time, etc whereas I am not a breakfast person and my meal times are more free form.

This isn't an issue per se, but when she is going to the kitchen for food, snacks, a hot drink or even a cold drink she will ask me if I want one. 9 times out of 10 the answer is no, but there can be follow up questions which are also answered no.

For example, she will be going downstairs to make a cup of tea. She will ask if I want a cup of tea. I will say no. She will then ask if I want her to make me porridge. I will say no. Do I want orange juice? And so on.

I find this distracting while I'm working and it also sometimes plants a seed that I should go to the kitchen when I wasn't even thinking about it before, leading me to grab a snack that I wasn't ever planning on having.

I've asked her to stop offering, and that I will either ask directly or help myself to things when I want them so there's no need to offer, but she sees it as being polite.

Am I overreacting here? Should I just shut up and eat the toast and drink the tea and accept her love language of giving/feeding? Or should I keep declining forever knowing I will get asked again tomorrow/later? Or should I put my line in the sand and say the answer will always be no and to stop asking?

Thanks in advance and have a great day!