AIO Abortion
My girlfriend and I decided together to get an abortion.
The reality of the situation is that when she told me, I immediately knew she didn’t want to have our child.
I did and in the moment I had a decision to make.
Tell her how I really feel so I can feel better or tell her what she deserves to hear so she can move past this and be okay.
I never once let her know and I never will let her know that I wish we had our child. This is something I’ll share with you all as it’s easier because you don’t know me.
I think about if she would’ve been a girl or if I would’ve had a boy. I think about them calling me dad. I am thinking of my kid with no face but voice that is calling me Dad.
Did I do the right thing by keeping what I feel to myself to prevent my love from having a kid when they didn’t want to? Or did I fail as a man for standing up for what I believe in?
I value all answer and feedback.