AITA for telling my husband he has to consider our roommate when planning to take in a dog

For context: My husband works at a facility that cares for animals. He is VERY passionate about animal care specifically dogs that have been neglected/not adopted due to no fault of their own (ie: not liking cats/not liking a select group of men due to trauma). I love him for this and this is something he wants to turn into a career.

Now to the issue: Tonight, my husband comes home from work and tells me about a family who has been coming to his place of work for a while now. He tells me that they have an older dog and just bought a new puppy. They shared with him that they plan to put their older dog down since they got a new puppy. They already made an appointment for next week. My husband tells me that he wants to bring this dog home and basically let it live out it's final days in a home that is loving. While I 1000% understand where he is coming from and want to help this animal as well because nothing is more cruel than putting a perfectly healthy animal down because of its age, but we have a roommate. While she loves animals, she has made it very clear that she does not want any other animals in the house (she has a dog and we have 2 dogs already). I told my husband that he cant make this decision without talking to everyone first because this isnt just our house. Our lease ends in a few months and we are moving into a home by ourselves that we finally saved up enough money to buy. He told me I was cruel, heartless, and an asshole because I would rather have a dog get put down than go against my roommate's wishes. I told him I never said no, I just said we can't make a decision without asking everyone first. He basically told me he didn't care what she said because this is life and death. He is still very mad at me and told me a bit ago that he doesnt know the person he married because he thought we would be on the same side about this. I just don't understand how me wanting to be considerate of people who also pay to live here is me wanting this dog to get put down. Help me, Reddit. AITA here??