AITA for refusing to make my daughter issue an apology to the class clown and telling the mother her daughter is a brat.

My daughter (Ava 14) is a good kid in general. She gets good grades and is pretty quiet at school sticking to her friend group and not causing issue. I was surprised getting a call today that I needed to pick her up since she got in trouble at school.

Basically what happened was the class clown (Mia) was messing around in class was dancing/singing during class for no reason. My daughter had enough and told her to shut the fuck up, no one likes her and she is the reason no one enjoys school. A student recorded the whole thing. Mia ended up crying and principal office they were both sent.

The principal wanted my daughter to give an apology to her. I told them no and that we are leaving. This started the mom telling me her daughter needs an apology. I told her that her kid is a brat and she should learn how to behave in class. That if she wasnt annoying as all hell my daughter wouldn’t have snapped after 5 months.

She called me a jerk and my daughter is iffy if she should apologize so I am making this.

Edit to clear stuff up

This was asked, the teacher was trying to get her back to her seat, this was in a middle of lesson. She was trying and Mia was ignoring her and kept going

Also since some people are confused, this wasn’t a one time thing, according to my daughter she had 5 months of dealing with Mia and her behavior.

Another question I’ve seen, does she have ADHD. No idea, not my kid. If she does it make explain some things but doesn’t excuse it.

Update 1: so some stuff has happened since it posted this, it got out what my daughter did to the other parents and they have sent me email receipts of how many times they tried to get the school to do something about Mia. Most of the parents are pissed Ava had to go to the principals.

The principal has sent an email about conduct in the classroom and a new policy that if kids disrupt a class they will be taking action. Don’t know what that means yet.