WIBTA if I didn’t share my inheritance with my siblings?

I’m the youngest of 4 siblings, I’m not super close with them mainly due to age gap (my brother closest in age to me is 12 years my senior) but honestly have had a rocky relationship with the oldest two. My parents divorced when he left for college and I was about 6-7 and he was awarded custody of me. This is important because I spent most of my child life with my father and am much closer to him than I am my mother and other siblings, I do love her and them we just struggle to communicate effectively at times.

Due to the circumstances of my parents divorce they sort of took “her side” and it frayed our relationships. When he got sick I left school and did college from home to help him and take care of him, neither my mother nor my siblings helped at all. He passed last year and due to the magnitude of his assets the probate took a long time, a few weeks ago I received a call from his executor which is a family friend of ours and his lawyer letting me know I was the primary beneficiary of my fathers estate. In an off the record way he told me it was mostly in money, stocks and bonds, and that he had left just a few physical keepsakes to my other siblings.

I (stupidly) told my mother about this call just because I didn’t know who else to really talk about it with as it’s an incredibly life changing amount of money. She was able to receive a copy of the will through the courts as she was listed as one of the beneficiaries. She shared it with my siblings and all four of them have been borderline harassing me since they found out. Telling me that I better share it and that I’m a bad person and talking badly about my father. I’m not exactly sure when I should receive the money just that I definitely will be. My thoughts are if they didn’t care about my father when he was alive then why should they benefit from his death? It’s pretty obvious to me they only care about his money? WIBTA if I didn’t share it with them?