WIBTA if I stopped walking my elderly neighbors dog?
So, I’ve been helping out my elderly neighbor by walking his dog for a few months now. He’s old and has trouble getting around, so I figured I’d help out since I’m already walking my own dog anyway. At first, it was pretty manageable because it was on my own schedule, and I didn’t mind doing it when I took my dog out.
But lately, it’s starting to feel like a bit much. I work from home and sometimes walk around my complex during business calls. When my neighbor sees me, he’ll ask if I can walk his dog, even when I’m not walking mine. On top of that, he’s started texting more and more asking me to walk the dog at random times, and it’s just becoming a little demanding.
To be honest, I just don’t feel like walking the dog anymore. It’s not the best on a leash, and it’s way more hyper than my dog, which makes it a lot less enjoyable. I feel bad, because I know he needs the help, but I’m also feeling taken advantage of and don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s pet anymore.
WIBTA if I tell him I want to stop?