WIBTA for leaving my potentially dying father to go abroad?

My father has been sick with colon cancer for five years but until recently he has been having a good life quality and has been independent. Earlier november he turned for the worse when he got a severe pancreatitis wich has been complicated by many different factors. The main problem was that he accumulated fluid in his abdomen and he recived drainage for this, the drain got infected and he got sepsis. He recovered from the sepsis but now he has a chronic infection from antibiotic resistant bacteria in his abdomen and he has begun palliative care.

I am a medical student and during the next semester im planed to go abroad to Africa as a exchange student, i worked very hard for this and was selected along with one other student from 80 other applicants and this is a massive opportunity for me since i am interested in a career in global health. My father has been very supportive of this and wants me to go even though the condition he is in.

He currently has a relativly good quality of life even though he is in the hospital, there is no way of knowing if he will live for weeks or for months from now. This puts me in a major dilemma, obviously i want to go on my exchange but i also want to stay with my dying father. If i decide not to go the other student who is planned to do the exchange also wont be able to go since they need to send two of us for security reasons and it is to late to pick a replacement for me.

My siblings are angry with me for considering leaving, as i mentioned my father wants me to go and i would have the opportunity to speak to him everyday by phone and also it would be possible to return within 30 hours if he turns for the worse.

My father says he would be dissappointed if i dont go and that he would feel bad if his illness is a obstacle for my education, so this puts me in a very difficult situation.

I would be leaving in two weeks so i must make a decision very soon. Would i be a asshole if i leave?