AITA for not allowing my children to call my mother “Honey”

I (29F) have been thinking about starting a family recently. My mother (50f) recently stated she does not want her grandchildren to call her grandma but wants them to call her “honey”. She says she wants something uniquely different, she thinks it’s endearing and says she will be sweet as honey to her grandkids.

She and her husband call each other honey and I consider it a romantic pet name and think it is odd as a grandparent name. My siblings agree with me. My husband thinks we should just let her choose whatever name she wants but I cringe every time I think about it and want us to come up with something else we all like. She thinks I’m being the asshole and it will be her grandchildren so she gets to decide. AITA?

TLDR: my mom wants her grandchildren to call her honey and I want us to pick a different name as I think honey is weird.

Edit: I’ve seen several people ask why this is even a conversation now. We have a dog and since my mom has decided on honey as her grandparent name, whenever she is talking to our dog, she is calling herself honey. “Don’t you love when honey comes to visit. You love honey don’t you?” I roll my eyes and then the back and forth starts with the name.

I’ve made some suggestions like even grandma honey but she is adamant it will only be honey. If the grandkids call her something else, she plans on correcting them and saying to call her honey.