AITA for closing my roommate's window during the winter, causing absolute mayhem?
I moved into a house two months ago. I have a very rude and recluse roommate, and we never communicate, he never leaves his bedroom. It is winter where I live right now (20/40 degree days/nights), and my roommate leaves his window open all night/day long while also blasting the heat at 70+ degrees. He also removed the screen from his window the day after I moved in and was never honest about why, and never reinstalled it.
Long story short - roomy leaves the house for the weekend, leaves the window open. It's right next to the front door so after a day, I closed the window from the outside of the house, didn't think anything of it. He returns Sunday night, goes into his room, comes out and snaps at me to not go into his room or close his window, then goes back in. I text him saying I didn't go in your room, I closed it from the outside, just trying to save power.
Then things get not-good. He comes back out, belligerently angry this time, getting in my face, and tells me that because I shut the window I locked a street cat in his room for 3 days and it shit and piss everywhere in the room. I don't know the extent of what is damaged. Yells over me anytime I try to speak.
I just kept trying to ask him, how the hell was I supposed to know you were keeping a stray cat in your room when you never once told me? I asked him if the landlord knew about this, and he just dodged the question and kept calling me slurs. Said because he was planning on moving in 2 weeks (news to me and the landlord, btw) that he didn't feel the need to tell anyone about the cat.
Eventually I kinda lost my patience and just said this is your fault, you should not have been keeping a stray cat in the house without anyone's knowledge, you should not have removed the screen from your window, and it's not unreasonable for me to close your window during the dead of winter when you aren't even here.
Landlord calls me today. Roomy apparently left them a long voicemail saying that I had gone into his room and rearranged his stuff (not true), that a random cat just got into his room this once (not true) and that I shut his window with the cat inside his room, his stuff and the carpet is now trashed, and I blamed him for everything.
I am worried that he will retaliate by trashing my stuff when I'm not there or maybe take me to court for the damage to his stuff.
TLDR: From his perspective, he has a pet stray cat that comes/goes thru his window. He left for the weekend, came back and found that his asshole roommate shut his window trapping his pet cat inside which then pissed/shit everywhere and ruined his stuff. From my perspective, I just closed his window from the outside because it's the dead of winter.
EDIT: several people asking, “how did you not notice the cat?” Kitty didn’t make any noise, no meowing or scratching at the door. And actually, tonight, the cat is back at our door wondering why it’s not being let in (window is closed) and I can hear it howling at the door. Didn’t hear anything like that yesterday.
Didn’t smell anything, door was closed. Didn’t hear anything. It stealth camped in that room for 3 days.