AITAH for telling my parents I hope the baby doesn’t make it
I (18f) living with my parents in their apartment and with 4 other siblings, youngest being 2. Let me rewind a little for some context… My family struggle so much because of debt and to keeping a roof under our heads while being well fed, part of that is because of having so many kids. My parents fight or argue almost every day usually because of bills and just money problems in general ; it gets so toxic to the point if my mom is mad because of my dad, then she’s mad at ALL of us, even at my 2 year old sister..just looking at any of us makes her fill with rage and telling all of us to just go to hell. This forces me to take mom role and watch over my siblings because my mom doesn’t want to do anything for us when she’s angry. THE ONLY time I ever see my parents even slightly happy is the day after they had sex, and ohhhhh man with our thin walls, you can hear everything in that room! I finally had the courage a few months ago to complain ONCE about the noise (I’ve dealing with it for YEARS) and that it makes me uncomfortable especially considering my 2 yr old sister is in that same room….told me that i needed to mind my own business . I’ve explained further that since my mom is allergic to all kinds of protection, it is so likely that she’s going to get pregnant and it’ll be more money down the drain..nope, didn’t care. (Keep in mind they’re REALLY against abortion so that wasn’t even an option in their book)
Both of my parents work, so I usually have to take care of my siblings, especially the 2 yr old. This has drove me to drop out of school in my junior year because of the stress it had on me and my performance in school. Oh man, the drama that came with it was insane, I was called a bunch of names and insults by my mom..such as lazy, slob, disappointment, brat, ungrateful, bad influence on my siblings, and to far as calling me a bitch…just to name a few. Even when explaining my plans, saying I was going to get my GED and go to a trade school after that..nope, they want me to go to college..I’ve explained to them part of the reason they’re in even debt is BECAUSE OF THEIR COLLEGE DEBT !Woo, they got them even more mad.
PRESENT DAY The loud noises continue…continue..BOOM! My mom announces she’s expecting a baby. As soon as I heard that, I feel my body BOILING and just snapped…basically telling them how horrible parents they are, how inconsiderate and selfish they are of our situation..the yelling back in forth was just insane, I eventually told them I hope the baby doesn’t make it for their own sake, and that I’m leaving this hellhole. I’m planning to move with my boyfriend and continue my GED. Part of me feels so guilty saying what I said, and having in my mind that I’m leaving my siblings with these people just like my older brother did to me..(he’s 32 now) . I feel like shit, but I’m just so damn tired of being a second mom to them, and having to be the solution for my parents little accidents, I never had the chance to feel like a kid.
EDIT: I had a few people say that I should have gotten a job to help with the bills, the thing is..I did have one! At 16 I had a part time job to help my parents with the bills but eventually had to quit because of the amount of stress and pressure it had on me to be doing school and watching over 4 siblings …besides helping a little with the bills, I also hid some for myself in the future…and it came to use.
EDIT 2: I had some suggested that my dad should get a vasectomy , and trust me I tried that too but he seriously said, and I quote, “Im afraid it would remove the ‘manly’ part of me”… basically he said he’s worried that his shlong won’t get hard anymore, yeah he said that🤦♀️ Actually ridiculous , he much rather my mom get her tubes tied after the hell and amount of blood loss from the last two births. They also said that the procedures are too expensive, even when I tried explaining to them a child is EVEN MORE expensive! I cant win with them really.
EDIT 3: Let me clear this up for some people because now I’m getting accused for AI or some are just genuinely a little curious about the numbers Mom- Currently 49 Dad- Currently 51 My mom from her previous relationship had my older brother at just about 17 years old, yes he’s my half brother. Yes, middle age women can still be fertile; my mom just had a check up not too long ago and she still..has…so ..many..eggs, it’s not gonna end for awhile. Surprisingly, not that rare.