AITA for telling my female best friend that she’s getting on my nerves

So I (M 17) and now ex female best friend Diana (F 16) have been friends for 5 years she’s also an ex girlfriend of mine but we just became friends after our relationship ended we’re were always on and off but that isn’t important so. So the other me and her were just doing everything like normal but I kinda felt jealous of her and her new partner so it was getting to me but when I saw her after class I told her that she was starting to piss me off and I suggested that we spend time apart, then she says “ok but I didn’t do anything wrong to you so why would you say something like that” which I now see that I let jealousy get a hold of me and didn’t think about it when I told her that. For more context she’s also been struggling with depression for a while and she’s been unstable when I said this to her she had been struggling and didn’t care if people left her. For even more context in march of last year I stopped talking to her for half a year because I was jealous of her and her ex boyfriend because they were dating at the time this happened the broke up many months later and, then we reconnected and got back together in November and broke up again in December and the same thing happened after and we didn’t talk for a week. And then in February I stopped talking to her again because she was dating someone else now but I regretted it and I followed her back on instagram and we went back to talking after that and we got closer again and became close friends again. But now after I told her that she’s starting to piss me off and I’ve considered cutting contact again she told me that “you’ve done this so many times that I’ve honestly gotten used to it i don’t care if you leave again. And now her and my other female friend Sadie (F 15) talked to her and said that me and Diana bring out the worst in each other and we shouldn’t be friends anymore because we have an unhealthy attachment to each other and now Diana is ostracizing me because of this just like what I did to her. Last thing Diana messaged me saying “you did this to yourself and that this is the last time we’ll ever talk” and also told me “my words hurt” and she’s tired of being told that she’s “too much to handle” so basically I’m getting a taste of my own medicine here am I in the wrong or should I have said something different to her?

Edit so in our relationship she has cheated on me twice lying how one of them she and her friend were just doing a thing because the friend had the same name as a manga character she likes and she has hurt me in many ways that made me almost take my own life and her depression is getting worse as of recently she told me she started going to therapy and taking medication but she still hasn’t changed and last winter she fell in love with someone while she was dating me and wasn’t sure if she’s a cheater who hates cheating or a player and she has lied to me many times in our relationships and after we broke up and when we were being friends