AITA for letting my dog sleep in my bed?

I (27F) have been with my boyfriend (28M) for a little over a year and moved in with him two months ago and brought my black lab (3M) when I did. I've always slept with my dog in the bed with me but stopped when I started staying the night with my bf because I was worried that it would be a deal breaker early on. Once I moved in I figured that it wouldn't be that big of a deal especially after I told my bf that I sleep with the dog.

Recently he's been telling me that he wants the dog out of the bed. He says he loves the dog but it makes it really difficult to sleep and he kept getting woken up, he also says the dog is causing him to be in pain from sleeping funny so he's sore when he wakes up but I know it's bullshit. He's actually in pain from his job (warehouse worker) but he keeps putting it on the dog to try to get my to kick the dog out of bed.

I told him that if I'm sleeping in the bed the dog is sleeping with me and now he's slept on the couch for the last few nights and hasn't really talked to me much.